7 Workout Tips For Diabetics

Looking for a new workout regime? Whether you have diabetes or not, these 7 exercise tips could help you in your fitness journey!

First, why is it important for diabetics to exercise?

Benefits of exercise for diabetics include but are not limited to:

  • Increased receptiveness to insulin

  • Help prevent further complications for those with Type-2 diabetes, such as heart problems

  • Help prevent high cholesterol

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More commonly known benefits include:

  • Strength and muscle gain

  • Increased confidence

  • Weight loss, muscle gain, or both

  • Improved flexibility

Now, let’s jump right into 7 workout tips for diabetics…

  1. Get a doctors “OK”

    Perhaps the most important step is this one. It is crucial to know whether or not it is safe for you to exercise. Exercise can be incredibly beneficial, however, with all good things come downsides as well. Your doctor can help guide you in which direction to go whether it be light cardio, heavy weight lifting, long-distance running, swimming, Pilates, or shaker weight. Always check with your doctor before doing strenuous activities.

  2. Bring some carbs along

    Contrary to popular belief, carbs are vital to anyone’s success in their fitness journey, especially for diabetics. Carbs are the body’s main source of energy and later turn into sugars as your body breaks them down. If your blood sugar goes down while working out, simple carbs such as an apple, granola bar, or juice. If you want sustained energy throughout the day, carbohydrates that digest slowly may be beneficial as well! Examples include oats, brown rice, quinoa, and barley.

  3. Strength train with compound movements

    What’s a compound movement you ask? A compound movement is the holy grail of strength and muscular training. A compound movement is an exercise that targets multiple body parts at once! Compound movements are muscle-building powerhouses and are an absolute necessity. Exercises include but are not limited to:

    • Deadlifts (back, hamstrings, forearms, & traps)

    • Squats (quads, hamstrings, abs, & glutes)

    • Bench press (chest, triceps, & shoulders)

    • Overhead press (shoulders & triceps)

    • Pull-ups (back, biceps, & forearms)

    • Dips (chest, triceps, & shoulders)

  4. Eat healthy foods before and after your workout

    Eating healthy foods before and after your workout is vital. Food is what gives us energy and strength, whether you are trying to lose weight, or get bigger and stronger, food is essential.

    General tips for those with and without diabetes can include having a small snack with protein and carbs before exercising (such as almonds and an apple) and eating carbs and protein after your workout as well (jasmine rice with lean chicken). Carbs are important after working out to help bring your insulin levels back to normal.

  5. Hydrate

    Hydration is crucial for optimal body performance. After all, humans are 70% water. It is typically recommended to drink anywhere from 64 oz to 2 gallons of water a day. The amount of water you should drink is largely dependent on your body size and how much physical activity you do throughout the day.

  6. Make it a lifestyle

    Fitness should be a lifestyle considering everyone can benefit from it in some way. Try to eat your foods, take your meds, and work out at the same time each day to help prevent low blood sugar and other possible complications.

  7. Create a plan

    Ever hear the saying a goal without a plan is just a wish? If you exercise without knowing how you are going to lose 5 pounds of fat, gain 20 pounds of muscle, or win Mr. or Mrs. Olympia; then you will never achieve anything and you will lose motivation. Study health and fitness and get after it.

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Are you a diabetic? There’s more where this article came from. If you are interested in selling any excess diabetic supplies you may have, visit Diabetic Exchange USA to get paid for your supplies!


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8 Healthy Foods For Diabetics